Only knowledge can guarantee a competitive global economy. To this end, EU aspires towards a knowledge based society within its borders. Although Slovenia is one of the most developed European countries, it still lags behind the most developed countries in the field of innovation and industrial creativity. Bigger competitiveness on global markets and consecutively higher incomes are only possible with bigger economic innovativeness, fast transformation of new knowledge and inventions into useful products and services and appropriate creative industries such as design, industrial design, graphic design, market communication and architecture. The main challenge remaining is to increase efficiency of innovative and creative activities. Experience show the key to success lies in application of new technologies and innovations and by raising the competitiveness of companies.
It is even more important for the small Slovenian economy, to use new technologies and innovations. This is the only way how Slovenian companies will be able to ensure themselves with added value, bigger competitiveness and consequently successful operations. All companies have to accommodate to the rapidly changing market and only those able to adapt to new conditions can stay in the game. Application of new technologies and innovations can make such progress possible.
The recent economic and financial crisis has demonstrated that sustainability is a key factor for the financial system and economy as a whole. Measures to support the real economy and reduce the social impact of past crises must be compatible with long-term sustainability goals and strategy of sustainable growth. Sustainable development is the major competitive advantage of the EU economies in the world. In Slovenia, on the other hand, the integration of the development strategy into the national strategy is still in process.
To strengthen the Slovenian economy is therefore necessary to successfully integrate new sustainability policy, raise the technological level of economic development and benefit from new industries such as energy industry. SKIS aims to strengthen sustainable economy in Slovenia. SKIS provides system support in development and innovation activities of companies and individuals in the field of technologies for sustainable economy. With our action we want to help Slovenian companies to identify strategic opportunities offered by innovation in technology and in sustainable economy and enable them to increase and exploit their own internal innovations. This way we contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Slovenian companies and the sustainability of the Slovenian economy.
SKIS is important for the establishment and functioning of technologically innovative crossroads SKIS. In collaboration with other legal persons SKIS supports technologically innovative activities which are necessary for successful medium- and long-term operations of various companies and sustainable Slovenian economy. With numerous activities we also ensure broader knowledge of companies and more successful long-term operations. SKIS performs and supports innovations in different fields. It considers innovations as new ideas, new productions or technological procedures, new products or products with new functions.