Mission and goals of SKIS


The main mission of SKIS is to acquaint individuals and companies with the importance of knowledge about trends in technology and innovation, and with the advantages of their application. Also, we tend to spread the information about the advantages of creative economic activity and its applications on the economic development. With diversified activities we introduce new technologies and stimulate their applications. After the execution of the project, we expect the application of new technologic trends in companies and growth of their competitive advantages.

General goal

SKIS wishes to introduce new technologies, innovations and creative industries and their application to individuals and companies. Our goal is to present the possible advantages on teh field of technology, innovation and creativity in order to promote specific competitive advantages and sustainable development.


Specific goals

  • introduce new trends in technology, innovation and creative industries and their advantages,
  • encourage companies to introduce new technologies, innovations and apply creative industries in their operations,
  • advice and offer professional help with protection of industrial property,
  • qualify and educate companies and wider public on the methods of new technology application and sustainable development,
  • enable collaboration of Slovene companies with related companies abroad,
  • enable experience exchange with new technologies and creative industries between companies,
  • ensure thematic meetings with the purpose of informing and connecting companies.