Evidencing members with contact information

Nowadays the biggest value of each company is detailed customer information. Thus, we devote extra attention to this area. Therefore we are dedicated to inform our members about innovative projects and support innovative ideas, offer help with acquiring non-refundable resources and developing patents, organizing events etc. Among SKIS's partners Mojedelo.com and Energetika.NET are the most active in gaining customers as well as their information.


Reputable employer

Innovation, research and development represent a sound foundation for a long-term business success of companies in the market. Constant development is an important basis of competitive advantage. The project Reputable employer aspires to reach such goals. Its main objective is to achieve a better insight on how to spread information about employment in the fields of research work of companies. This project offered additional information and directions in the field of innovation and development within companies. Such information is necessary for a breakthrough in innovation and wider economic development of Slovenia.

The project gained key information about the innovation market trough polls and interviews within companies with the help of internet technology. These pieces of information create better employment options in the field of innovation and research and development. The inquiry represented an important novelty because it captured some basic questions about technological companies which are important for further activities, research, and supporting innovative environment.

The goal of the project was thus achieved: the innovation market gained public information about reputable employers that encourage creativity, new innovations and contribute to encouraging and employing researchers in economy. The information is also easier to reach.

Employer's brand Research

Companies often demand specific knowledge, needed to create new developmental, innovative and technologically directed products for technological breakthroughs. The research on employers' brands meets this demand. On a sample of more than 10.000 people that were questioned, we measured which companies are considered to be the best employers that encourage development of new technologies, innovative working environment, support researchers and broader implementation of research results and patents in the market. Its purpose was to identify members with addresses, inform and connect them and ensure consulting and professional support. The project ensured information about the most interesting candidates most likely to be attracted to work for technologically and developmentally oriented companies.

The research gathered 20 of the most reputable employers that support long-term development of innovation and its wider implementation on the market. They were selected out of more than 250 companies and 10.000 questioned. The pools also conducted a segmentation of the Slovene labor market considering the preferences of candidates in the field of career development, research and scientific participation of individuals.

Raziskava je iz množice preko 250 podjetij in več kot 10.000 anketirancev pridobila 20 najuglednejših slovenskih delodajalcev, ki vzpodbujajo dolgoročni razvoj inovativnosti in njene širše implementacije na trg. Z anketiranjem je opravila tudi segmentacijo slovenskega trga dela glede na preference kandidatov na področju kariernega razvoja, ter raziskovalnega in znanstvenega udejstvovanja fizičnih oseb.

Final results of the research represent a clear determination of the companies' reputation and their positioning considering the power of their brand in the labor market measured with the so called reputation quotient. The research offers an innovative aspect of quality and reputation of companies for researchers looking for employment options in the field of research and development in companies.

Business web portal Energetika.net

The project Portal is an upgrade of the business web portal Energetika.NET. It was carried out in April 2009 and its upgrading represents a change towards an English international web portal. It is designed for users from Southeastern Europe and the EU markets that are interested in innovation and new solutions in the energy field. Together with 14 correspondents from the Southeastern European region, the portal covers currents events and novelties and provides comments of experts on the current situations and conditions.

The upgraded web portal Energetika.NET is already being used by more than 20.000 readers, which represents the key public in the field of innovation and solutions for the energy sector, environment protection and sustainable development. Each month, more than 150 new members enter the portal. In year 2009 the portal covered more than 90 % of all events from the field of sustainable development in Slovenia and 20 of the most important events from this field in Europe. The portal offers its user the opportunity to obtain direct connections with more than 4000 leading persons from companies that work in the field of innovation and development. Moreover, all new contacts are connected with several interest groups, making it easier to plan and organize meetings and other ways of cooperation.

The upgraded portal that is quickly spreading and gaining knowledge on the basis of its international outreach is also perfecting its contents by following the events of the wood market. Recently, it started to establish a wood stock exchange in Slovenia.